Friday, March 14, 2008

I won't get into a war of words.

Finding God at work in the secret places

Bowling was good. babysitting was good. learning to breathe a little bit. life doesn't get any easier. but I'm making it, by the grace of God I am making it!

It's hard. thoughts, feelings, memories. One by one they flash on the screen of my mind. Laying them to rest isn't easy. They'll be there. Like a shadow, maybe. Yet, God continues to dig deeper into those parts of my life, and I won't stop him. I won't fight him. He'll do what he needs too.

I'm growing in ways that I never thought were possible.

It's exciting...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Moving On

I'm going to be leaving home in the next couple of months. I've been working hard saving money. Life has been an adventure lately. An amazing wonderful, tough, grinding adventure. I'm working hard. Maybe putting to much energy into working, instead of doing my school work.

Many things have changed. Many things...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

ugh not much sleep last night! But I got done what needed to be done. There was no focus last night, and i could give you my list of maybes, but I won't.

So I decided that where ever I go my camera isn't far from me. I've been taking some pictures of just everything.

Song of the Day: Don't Get Comfortable by Brandon Heath

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Sex is a liar!! Or what the world sells as sex is a lie.

Sex is not everything. When taken out of the right context, it is a monster.

This world has taken everything that is sacred and made it into a game. To the few who hold greater values, holdfast and hold hard. They're taking the things that are sacred away.

Love isn't even sacred anymore.

i have papers to write and here I am ranting about my own sin. It's time to let it go...

Daniel you are forgiven! Alyssa you are forgiven!
I have all this work to do and I don't know where to start.

I messed up and that's distracting me.

I feeling a bit lonely.

Ok God I'm listening!

Monday, March 3, 2008

What Direction!?

I've been hanging in there. Monday's are my rough days. Not a lot of sleep and four classes. I'm not happy with school. I try and try to motivate myself. I feel like this is not where i'm supposed to be right now. I know deep down that I want to finish college, yet I have no motivation. Something just doesn't feel right.

I'm thinking of taking a year off and just working.

Then start back up. I'm also looking at transferring. This are just goals or inputs into where i think i'm heading. I'm just setting goals and seeing if it coincides with God's plan.

I don't want to jump the gun like last time. But I know that I don't want to be too cautious. I'm praying about everything, and trying to get as much advise and input as I can.

It's easy to get depressed and overwhelmed by it all, yet i remember that I'm going to be taken care of. And I have so many options. Wait and see for now...come summertime something will be happening. I guarantee it!

Thats all for now. Peace!!
I'm so very tired, and I really don't want to be in class right now.

Will write more later...