Friday, January 18, 2008

No Secrets

I'm like a book. You can open me up and read everything about me. Almost everything.

My feelings can be so contrary to what I know.

I'm a little frustrated. But this is the last time I'll feel like this or bring this up: I'm frustrated because I know that I hurt Lyss deeply. I don't like it. It happened, I grew, it hurt. Maybe I understand just a tiny piece of what she went through. I remember that night or that month thinking of every promise I broke, every single one!!
I just want to be at that place where she knows that I'm not leaving. It's not fair but it's what I brought upon myself.

Dear Lord,
Just help me. Because I still beat myself up for things that are in the past. I know I'm forgiven, I know I'm loved. Help me to forgive myself, help me to love myself. Tell Lyss that I love her. Thanks for sending someone who wants to stand by me in this life. Help me to grow better and stronger. When I can't be strong remind me to lean on you, and the people that you put in my life.

So I know what the truth is: I'm forgiven! I am loved. Period.

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